I've almost finished reading my good friend and Executive Pastors' new book, Breaking The Discipleship Code. It's been awesome! In the book, David describes the pathway to becoming more like Jesus, and some great self-assessment questions we can all ask ourselves to determine if we are daily becoming a little moire like Jesus:
1. Am I growing in my personal relationship with Jesus?
Am I taking personal responsibility to cultivate my relationship with Him? This will be characterized by our time with Him and the fruit of the Spirit being exhibited in our lives.
2. Am I serving others as Jesus served them?
Am I serving my spiritual brothers and sisters in the church? Am I serving others out in the world in such a way that their agenda are more important than my own?
3. Am I experiencing community at the level of belonging?
Most of us THINK we know what relationships are all about. Most of us don't. Do people REALLY know me? Do I REALLY know a group of people? Who has permission to get in my face? Who knows when I am going through a personally tough time? Who is praying for me? Who am I praying for?
4. AM I becoming more about His Kingdom in the way I view and use my resources?
Is Jesus having more control over where I place my resources than He did a year ago?
5. Am I seeing my influence and impact in the Kingdom grow?
Am I a friend of sinners? Who are my significant relationships OUTSIDE the church? How much of my relational energy is funneled toward engaging people who don't know Christ?
THANKS, DAVID, for helping to Break the Discipleship Code! The world needs this book!
BTW, Mountain Lakers: David mentions Mountain Lake many times in the book! If you're a Mountain Laker, get a copy on-line or pick it up at the Resource Center!
I haven't read David's new book yet but this makes we want to go out now and get it. David always asks himself and others great questions. That is the one things I really appreciate about him.
Posted by: Bill | July 22, 2008 at 12:04 PM
Looks like I know what I'll be reading next! Thanks!!!
Posted by: Jim Dean | July 23, 2008 at 01:04 AM