- Sold out. 33 states and 4 countries represented!
- Worship was amazing.
- God used Todd & Jenee Nichols, Anthony Evans, and our band to absolutely rock our faces off!
- Great times with tons of friends.
- Made lots of new ones.
- Got to share from my heart.
- Got to see my church BE the church to the church.
- Had Pastors tell me that had made a decision to quit, that they had made a decision to stick it out AT this conference.
- Every main session speaker had been with God and brought a message from God.
- My wife is the best ministry partner I could ever ask for.
- David Putman is the second best. Love you dude.
- Saw our Ministry Team lay it on the line for the Kingdom. Great will be your reward in Heaven.
- My 7th Grade Student Pastor showed up and surprised me at the conference. He’s planting a church in his 50’s! Go, Tom! God has greatly in my life.
- My family and even our campus experienced spiritual attack this week, so I knew it was going to be good. I underestimated HOW good it was going to be.
- The breakouts at the conference were some of the most practical we have ever had, led by some of the most amazing leaders we’ve ever had.
- Our ministry partners and vendors made the conference even MORE practical and encouraging to young and growing churches. I hope you guys worshipped, too!
- Rick Warren has always been my hero; but I’m even more honored to call him friend and partner these days. I’ll blog on him later (too much to say HERE).
- God was here. God changed people here. God changed churches and pastors and ministry leaders here. God changed ME here.
- Thx to everyone. Honored to be a fellow traveler with you!
Great conference as always!
We brought our whole team and a church planting intern who's planning on planting in the next year...great stuff!
Thanks for your investment in training and equipping planters!
Posted by: dale_schaeffer | February 24, 2010 at 10:17 AM
We were blessed to attend this conference with our Pastor as a part of the core team of a new church plant. This was an AMAZING experience not only coming as a church plant member trying to learn how to do it but as a Christian.
Rick Warren was just OUTSTANDING!!! Every speaker that took the stage brought chills to us......this is a wonderful thing that you and David accomplished. You blessed more than people than you can imange with the conference and I will forever be grateful for the experience to attend!
May God continue to bless you and yours the way we were blessed Monday and Tuesday Feb 22 and 23rd of 2010! We will never forget it!!!
Angie Morris
Illumiante Church
M'boro TN
Posted by: Angie | February 24, 2010 at 05:43 PM