Here are a few reflections from yesterday @mtnlakechurch:
- Father's Day! Love Father's Day! LOVE getting an excuse to talk more to men on a Sunday!
- One observation: Mothers generally drag their families to church on Sunday. Fathers generally try to get their family to stay home or go to the lake and skip church. just sayin'.
- You may or may not know, but half of our worship music yesterday was WRITTEN by the worship team @mtnlakechurch, led by Todd Nichols! So honored to be your Pastor, Todd. THE UPCOMING WORSHIP PROJECT IS GOING TO ROCK!
- Wrapped up our msg series: "Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness."
- A few thoughts from yesterday's msg:
* "Happiness is not found in the pursuit of happiness, but in the pursuit of God."
* Solomon typifies you and me: We tend to pursue happiness through Experiences, Acquisition, & Achievement.
* "The good news is that God knows us. He know our tendencies and He knows what will & won;t make us happy!"
* There are so many GOOD reasons why Jesus said: "Seek first the Kingdom of God."
* "At the end of the day, we don't even pursue God to gain happiness. We pursue Him because He's always been pursuing us." - Closed the day with a song of commitment from one of Todd's original worship songs: "Worship Rising". The bridge to the song contained the heart of our commitment:
"Worship Risig to You, Lord; Take everything it's Yours; There's nothing I want more than You!"
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