Yesterday was hump day in our "Fractured Fairy Tales" series @mtnlakechurch. Our students also finished up their series called "The Soundtrack of Life." They've BOTH been awesome! Here are a few reflex from yesterday:
- Larger than usual Worship Team on the stage that REALLY set the tone for the day! Thanks for LEADING us in worship, guys!
- We turned toward the message with the song "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. Loved it!
- Taught on Moses handing the baton (or staff) over to Joshua.
- Some thoughts from yesterday's message:
- "God's plan all along was not to take Moses into the Promised Land, but use him to raise up Joshua to do that."
- "One of the reasons our story is often not as fractured as we think it is, is because we tend to view God's story through the lenses of our fairy tale."
- We make God's blessing all bout us. We try to make God's story all about our personal comfort, success, ambitions, and dreams."
- "God's story is bigger than our fairy tale."
- "God wants to write His story through us, not just about us."
- "We all need a Moses in our life: someone who's walked longer and closer with God."
- "We all need a Joshua in our lives: someone who's younger in the faith than we are."
- "This is just ONE of the reasons why Life_Groups are so important here at Mountain Lake!
- I introduced several new concepts/paradigms associated with our new branding of Life_Groups.
- Did you know that 75% of our adults have been active in small groups?
- Our small groups are not reserved for the spiritual MARINES, or designed for those who can quote all of the Bible. They're designed for every day people with every day issues!
- Ray Calhoun & Bridget told their story of life change and how community had played a huge role in that process! These guys are a beautiful example of how the spiritual baton gets handed from one spiritual generation to another here at our church
- Another great day @mtnlakechurch.
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