Can not WAIT to start this new series, Sunday, Aug 8!
Who are you inviting to this series?!
Can not WAIT to start this new series, Sunday, Aug 8!
Who are you inviting to this series?!
God is SHOWING UP in Gr8 power at our church right now! Here are a few reflex from yesterday:
Another great day at Mountain Lake yesterday! Here's why:
One of the questions I'm often asked, both inside and outside our church is: "Where do you guys get your sermon series ideas?" Today, I'll unpack the answer to that question a bit.
1. What's important to God? What is important to God's heart and mission? These ideas drive our teaching calendar. Our five marks of a follower of Jesus are already pretty clear from God's Word: Spiritual Growth, Using our Gifts, Visionary Giving, and Greater Impact. God wants every Christian to grow consistently in these areas. These ideas from god;s heart largely drive our teaching calendar each year. We just need to figure out how to communicate them. We never allow creativity to drive what we teach on. We allow God to drive what we teach on.
2. What is God teaching me? I have come to realize that when God is speaking to me, He is not just speaking to me for my benefit. He wants to use what he's teaching me to teach others.
3. Where are the people? Scripture challenges church leaders to KNOW , PAY ATTENTION TO, and CARE for "the flock of God," the church. What are God's people dealing with or struggling with? What's missing in their lives? What's needed in their lives? What do God's people need to know RIGHT NOW? These go near the top of what God has us teach on.
4. WHEN should this be taught? Once we begin to put together WHAT God wants us to teach on, we THEN begin to discuss WHEN during the year would be the best time to share this with God's people? Our worship planning process helps us accomplish this. I'll discuss this in more detail tomorrow.
Stay tuned for pt. 2 of this post!
Here are a few reflections from our services yesterday @mtnlakechurch:
Sneak Peek at what we're talking about beginning this Sunday!
Just hints. You've gotta' be here to know what its all about!
Here are a few reflections from yesterday @mtnlakechurch:
With our passion heavy on our hearts we began looking for a church that wanted to help families and children no matter what the cost. We were looking for a church that realized that the family is in crisis and wanted to be part of the solution. When we visited Mountain Lake Church we heard Shawn challenge the church to give Awedaciously and sacrificially. Then he introduced one of the many couples whose marriages have been saved from divorce because of Mountain Lake. It was then and there we knew this was the place for us to fulfill the passion for families that God had given us.
Our goal is to change the way families and children view the local church. Without a doubt the local church is the very best thing a family can be involved in. Church is better than sports, PTA, clubs, because the local church is the only organization that Jesus Himself created. Other organizations are good but the local church is great and we want to help families realize how teaming with the church can help them reach their full potential.
Children are going to realize that church is the best part of their week. Parents are going to realize parenting done God’s way puts them in control and makes their children feel more loved. Marriages are going to be stronger because husbands and wives are going to learn they are not alone and how to succeed in the work of marriage.
God is moving at Mountain Lake Church. Our community will never be the same! And if you choose to be part of it, neither will you. I can’t wait to see all that God is about to do and I am thankful that my family can take part in it.
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